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bunny with eye problem

22 10:40:47

i hope that you can help me. i believe that my bunny got a piece of wood in his eye. his eye was pussing out this white thick gunk, and tearing a lot. i got it out yesterday, but i beleve he had it in there for at least a day. and it is still pussing that white stuff. i dont know what it is, and if it has to do with the healing process of the eye. i thought that it could be an irritation, but i have watched it and it hasnt gone away. and i dont know what i should do. can you please help me?

Hi Chelsea,

I don't know if anyone else answered this for you.  He definitely must get ot a vet so that he can get a strong enough antibiotic (prescription strength) or he will lose the eye, and the infection will spread through his body.  It could end up killing him.  Over the counter meds aren't going to be strong enough, and by now if you haven't seen a vet he will be much weaker than he was a week ago.

Please get him in to a good rabbit vet or emergency vet clinic immediately.  If you don't have a good rabbit vet go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended rabbit vet near you.  If none are near you get him in to the emergency clinic.  If the worst happens and he has to lose an eye, he will adapt very well - he will move on and be a happy bunny again once he's well and the infection is gone.  Many rabbits that are blind can get along very well, he will still have one eye so all you'll need to do is approach him more so from the side he has the eye on.