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Lump between eye and ear on Bunny

22 9:39:19

I have a 3 year Holland Lop who has developed a hard lump about the size of a marble between her ear and eye just recently spent alot of $ on a sick cat. Wondering, how serious this could be and if going to have a bad outcome anyway if I should just monitor it. She doesn't seem to mind if I touch it and is still running, eating, letting me hold her and acting like her usual self.

Any input appreciated. Thanks

Dear Kathy,

While I can't diagnose this over the internet with any confidence because I can't see and feel it, the location of this lump suggests that it's a molar root abscess.  Holland Lops are notorious for dental problems, due to their short faces that lack sufficient room for normal molar spacing, and they tend to develop problems as they age.

This is not something you want to ignore, as it can become worse and as difficult to treat as a cancerous tumor.  If you start treatment while it's relatively small (like now), there is a much better chance for full resolution of the lesion.

We have found that dual-acting Penicillin G Procaine/Benzathine injections every 48 hours (subcutaneous only, never intramuscular or IV!  And no oral penicillins for a rabbit, EVER!) can be extremely effective at killing the most common pathogens causing dental abscesses in rabbits.
It is very inexpensive, but the vet will have to show you how to use it (if s/he is willing to do so).

Please find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

who can examine your bunny, detemine the exact nature of the problem, and prescribe appropriate treatment.  But don't let this go.  It will only become worse.

I hope this helps.
