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Rabbit not using litter box.

22 10:28:51

Hi I have a problem with my rabbit. My rabbit does not want to pee in her litter box, she does it everywhere but the litter box, I might as well make the cage a big litter box with one section not litter box and she will pee on that. She does like her litter box though, she sleeps in it, even though it has poop that I put in it. I also wiped some of her pee on it to make it smell like a litter box. I spray the places she pees with lemon juice because  they are supposed to stop going in the places you spray lemon juice. Is there any way I can encourage her to pee in her litter box? I put hay near her litter boxes. There is two litter boxes in her cage because I hoped that if she slept in one than she would pee in the other. Am I doing anything wrong?


Hello Katherine !
Well it sounds like you have tried every thing.
Your rabbit seems like it does not go in the same place all the time  thats wierd.
You were right about making her entire cage a litter box try that and use pine shavings, and do that for about a week and watch where she goes the most and try to put the litter box there. if not you may need to get a wire bottom cage and use a tray this would solve all your problems.
Good luck
Dan V