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Peculiar behaviour with Lop rabbit

22 10:28:50

I have an English lop who when sitting will nomally move it's head slowly side to side.  Recently our rabbit will start this pattern but then continue going to one side in a circle and her eyes move back and forth quickly.

Is this considered a seizure?  What should we do?  



It could be a seizure if it happens very quickly and the rabbit seems like it can't control itself at all, but most likely it sounds like a bacterial infection or head tilt. Head tilt is caused by a bacterial infection, you can check and see if she is walking around with her head tilted. This would cause her to walk in circles, kind of like a horse, who goes where she is looking. The eyes moving back and forth tell you that she is having trouble with her balance and is trying to compensate. She is probably very scared because of her impairing quality. Take her to a rabbit savvy vet who will probably  give you antibiotics.

Seizures don't usually happen in rabbits, but two things unexperienced rabbit owners often give their rabbits that causes seizures is tea leaves and FrontLine flea medicine. There is also a chance of epilepsy, which can happen in lops.

Check and see if she is eating and drinking okay and take her to a vet, because it could be easily remedied.
