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Fire ants attacked my rabbit

22 10:27:47

Fire ants attacked my female rabbit. When I found her she was sitting there and the ants had bit all over her under area by her tail and her legs. I mean they were literly eating her alive. I put her in water and got them all off. She acts like she can not walk. Every once in a while she trys to move and she just drags her hind legs. I have been giving her water with a straw. I know I probably should not have done this but i gave her 1/6 of a benedryl. I felt so sorry for her and I thought it might make her sleep so she would not feel the pain.

I am sorry I can't really answer this question very well, I am not a vet and that is what she needs.  If she has bites all over her back end your probably going to need to have her put on a antibiotic probably both a cream and oral or shot.  

As far as giving benadryl to rabbits, if it was the children's kind or a very small amount it should be fine, benadryl is okay for rabbits although I am not sure of a dosage for your specific rabbit.

The benadryl probably helped her with allergic reactions due to the bites, but can make a bunny hyper etc.

If I were in your situation I would at the very least call a vet to see what they recommend.