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Jumping funny

22 9:53:22

QUESTION: I just got a rabbit, I have learnt a lot before hand but am still unsure on some things.

Is there anyway I can tell how old he/she is? Will a vet be able to tell?

I live in an area I think is affected by Myxomatosis as I have lost a rabbit to it and a friend of mine has too in the past. I am getting the vaccination soon but until then my rabbit is living indoors, but I would like to know if I should get the VHD vaccination.

Also I have noticed he/she (still not sure which one yet) only urinates in one corner(it still poos everywhere!) Should I get a litter tray?

Thank you in advance for your help! xx

ANSWER: Dear Hannah-Stacey,

The best person to judge the bunny's age is an experienced vet who can see him in person.  I might be able to tell from a very clear picture, but there's nothing like an in-person exam for things like this.

Also ask the vet about vaccinations.  The bunny should be of a certain age before getting these, but they are certainly a good idea if you have myxi and VHD in your area.  Since we don't have the vaccines in the U.S., I can't give you the details.  But a good rabbit vet should be able to fill you in on all the important information you need.

For all the best care information, be sure to go to:

Good luck with your new pal.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have also noticed that he has started jumping to the side in a weird way, we think it might just be because he is so young he is still learning but I want to take him to a vet anyway but we cant waste the money on a check up fee. I was just wondering if this is anyhing to worry about.

Dear Hannah-Stacey,

Young, happy, healthy bunnies will often do what we sometimes call a "binky".  This is a jump or series of jumps and running that expresses happiness and play.  They'll flick their ears, toss their heads and just generally be having a great time. :)

If you think your bunny might be binkying, then you can compare with the video here:

and check out some of the other binky links for fun!  :)

Hope that helps.
