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Picky eater

22 9:46:35


I have a 6 year old netherland dwarf named Sophie that has been with me since she was 2 months old.

My issue with dear Sophie is that she is very picky about hay.  She turns up her nose at Timothy hay for any number of reasons.  I've tried using 4 different brands, buying fresh, having her teeth checked, which are fine, mixing treats in it, and on and on.  But still she picks and chooses which bits of hay she'll eat, only eating a quarter to half of what I give her.

 The only hay that she really likes is Orchard grass, but I worry that because orchard grass is softer than timothy that her teeth will not wear down enough if I give straight orchard grass.

So will Sophie's teeth be okay if I give straight orchard grass?  Is there something else I can do to get her to eat more Timothy hay?


Hi Bethany,

If she is eating the orchard grass I would keep giving it to her.  The only other thing you can do is to stop giving her pellets and just give her hay.  Some bunnies just wont eat hay and orchard hay is better than nothing.  You can also give her sticks from apple trees to chew on.  You can buy them from various places on line or if you know anyone who has an apple orchard you can cut them and dry them yourself.

I would not worry to much about her teeth unless she has malocclusion.  Bunnies usually do a pretty good job of wearing them down on their own.
