Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Hi,my name is Iris,and i just...

Hi,my name is Iris,and i just...

22 11:27:31

Hi,my name is Iris,and i just bought a 3 months old rabbit.i have few questions : what toys should i buy for him,how to play with him.He doesn't like to be hold,or pet.So i don't know how to behave.:)
And how can i know if it is a he or a she?

You can find a good list of toys at  You will need to see what he likes.  Some like to chew things, some like to throw things.  Some will only chew boxes and some only baskets.  So try a variety to find out exactly what he likes.

Most rabbits do not like to be held.  This is an instinctual behavior.  In the wild rabbits that are picked up are rabbits that are eaten, and it hasn't been possible to breed out this behavior.

He may eventually like petting, it just will take some time.

You can learn how to sex the rabbit at  Just remember that it may not be totally obvious until around 4-5 months of age, but at 3 months you should be able to get some idea.

You also might find this FAQ for new bunny owners useful -

I hope you are both very happy together!
