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our confused dwarf rabbits

22 11:27:31

my sister and i have two dwarf rabbits. we assumed that the larger one was the female while the smaller one was the male. recently, the larger one started digging a nest, and naturally, we assumed it was pregnant. the smaller one, however, has totally changed personalities. while it used to be friendly and loved to be handled (if it didn't, it showed no objection), it now bites, growls, and scratches whenever a hand gets near. what could be the cause of this? are either of them pregnant? i think we saw a penis on the larger one, but does the male dig usually the nest?

and just today, one of the rabbits covered the nest with dirt. what does all of this mean?

Rabbits dig....

They may not be digging a nest they could just be digging to dig.  I do not EVER house my rabbits together.  If one is bred then the other poses a danger to the babies.  I breed and remove the doe to her own space.  

As far as telling gender, a penis will only be visible when you part the legs and push it up.  It is hard to describe the technique, but you just won't see one hangin there.  The testicles will be noticeable in an adult male however.  

I don't think you problems with personality has anything to to with whether one is pregnant or not.  I also have never liked netherland dwarfs because of their tendancy to act like Jeckle and Hyde.  I have never had a netherland that I could trust as far and temperment.  The breed has been imbred to the point of no return and this has cause many of them to get mean.  

Hope this helps.