Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Urgent- Rabbit with head tilt (Rolling) , no longer repsonding to treatment (follow up)

Urgent- Rabbit with head tilt (Rolling) , no longer repsonding to treatment (follow up)

22 9:44:29

HI Dana,

In response to your previous email the vet is treating Benie with .6ml of Depocillin twice weekly . Benie weighs about 2.41 Kg



Dear Paul,

Twice weekly may still be too far apart.  It is truly recommended to be given every 48 hours, lest you lose your therapeutic tissue levels and start to select resistant bacteria.  This is critical if there is an active infection, which your bunny may have.

Our vets would dose a bunny Benie's size with 0.4 - 0.5ml (if the suspension is the standard 300,000IU/ml) every 48 hours.  

I hope your bunny will be well soon.
