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Health Question

22 11:08:03

I was bringing my rabbit in from the cold weather. And I noticed that her urine was a dark, murky, red color. Not a typical color. She has not been acting too much differently. I feed her pellets, carrots, and a water soluble vitamin directly into her water. She is about 9 years old. She is a lop-earred, I am not sure the breed though. She has good clean teeth, and normal looking poo. I was just wondering if you had any info, I am concerned, Thanks!!!

Is it actually red or black in colour, or is it a reddish orange? Red-orange uring (even dark) is normal in rabbits, especially if they are fed foods like carrots. Some rabbits only have it happen once or twice in a lifetime, while others have it happen often. If you suspect it is actual blood, however, she needs to see a vet. She may have a bladder infection or bladder stones.