Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > will no longer go in his cage at bedtime

will no longer go in his cage at bedtime

22 11:08:03

I have a three+ year old lop dwarf who is very smart.  We had a routine that has been working well until lately, he started refusing to go into his cage at night.I would give him is favorite treat and he would go in but lately he runs to the other side of the room and will not come near the cage. Last night I tried to bribe him with his treat and when he couldn't have it (he would not go into the cage) he bite me.  Any suggestions?  Sincerely, Mary

Hello Mary.  There is probably something in or around his cage that is not to his liking - could be an insect, could be something nasty in his food dish - if you cannot find anything obvious try moving his cage somewhere else.  Rabbits are creatures of habit - they do not like change - if he will not go into his cage something is out of wack.

Merry Christmas !
