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Long-term simethicone use and ? about bacteria adjustment time to new foods.

22 10:25:41

1st question: How long does it normally take for the bacteria in the gi tract to adjust to a new food, or food change?

2nd: Would you recommend using simethicone to offset the gas from dying bacteria if there is a diet change?

3rd: How long is too long to use simethicone? I know you have said long-term use in not recommended.   How long is long-term use, and what happens with long-term use?

Thank you so much for your time!


Dear Jennifer,

1.  Bacterial flora adjustment time will vary among individual rabbits, but usually it takes a couple of days.

2.  I would not use simethicone unless the rabbit shows signs of being gassy and in pain.

3.  Long-term use of simethicone can interfere with absorption of nutrients by the intestine, and can damage the intestinal villi.  Because the intestinal mucosa are completely replaced every three days or so, though, this isn't a long-lasting effect.  Take away the simethicone, and bun should be back to completely normal in a week or so.

Hope that helps.
