Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > both my rabbits have died within 24 hrs of each other

both my rabbits have died within 24 hrs of each other

22 10:50:02

both rabbits seemed fine on sunday,when i went to feed them yesterday one was dead and the other one died this morning they were only a year old.Found mushrooms growing in the grass do you think it could have been them if they ate them

Dear Lesley,

I am sorry about your very sad loss.

Without a post mortem examination by a competent exotics vet well-versed in rabbit medicine, there is no way to know for sure why the rabbits died.  Most rabbits will not eat mushrooms, even accidentally.  But if they were a toxic species and the rabbits did get some ingested, this is a possibility.  But it's only one of perhaps dozens of different possible causes.

Were pesticides sprayed in the area recently?  Did the rabbits show any sign of runny stool?  Inappetence?  Lethargy?  I am sorry this comes too late for your bunnies, but the following article might provide some clues as to what to look for, should you ever bring any other rabbits into your home.

I hope this helps.
