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Bunny and Banana

22 11:18:57

Hi Sarah

I have a 10lb cotton tail rabbit. I know that you can give banana to rabbits as "treats" Well every time I buy bananas they turn brown so quick. So I thought before they turn brown, I would cut them up and freeze them. Is it okay to give my bunny frozen or defrosted banana? Thanks.  

It is very, very, very unlikely that you have a cottontail, especially if it is 10 pounds. Cottontails do not weigh that much, and it is illegal to have them without a special permit. So if you got him from a breeder, petstore, etc., he wouldn't be cottontail. He cannot even be partially cottontail, as cottontails and domestic rabbits cannot breed together. I just want to point this out because if he really IS an oversized cottontail, you really shouldn't have him, as you can get in trouble.

You can give him frozen or defrosted bananas, though. :) In fact, on warm days, frozen banana can be a great treat to help keep him cool!