Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is nesting box too little?

is nesting box too little?

22 10:31:54

My daughter's mini rex had her first litter today and she has 13! Her nesting box is 11 by 11. I have a bigger nesting box but didn't know if I could change it now. And how can she feed 13!

Dear Ginger,

This will be a challenge, but since the babies usually change nipples and jockey for position, she may be able to feed them all (albeit less each) on only 8 nipples.  You'll have to monitor the nest (and yes, a bigger nest box would probably be a good idea:  just move the whole thing, and disturb is as little as possible.  Wash and disinfect hands well before handling babies!) to see if any babies are not getting enough food:  they'll look smaller, and possibly wrinkly and grey, rather than round and pink.

For full instructions, please read:

and if you do have to supplementally feed some of the babies, this will help:

Be sure also to please read this:

Hope this helps, and that all the babies and mama will do fine.
