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Urine Spraying??

22 10:56:21

I got my rabbit neutered a few weeks ago and he was fine until a few days ago. He is now about 5 months old. He seems to be urinating all the time. I've read a few articles about rabbits and how they spray their urine when not neutered, but my rabbit is. The urine never seems to reach his cage, instead it winds up all over his bottom and hind legs. What could this be? Should I be worried? I know rabbits dont exactly appreciate being washed, but I also know that their acidic urine can burn. How can I stop this?

Alyssa, this does not sound like spraying. It sounds like he is urinating sitting on a hard surface. Remove all items covering the cage floor.  I had the same problem with two bucks, I found a large plastic tray to wash veggies in, cut off the outside rim ( leaving me with a flat plastic vented surface ) then when they urinated sitting down it dripped through the vents. This is a behavioral problem - give him some toys to play with.  Hard plastic baby rattles ( they like noisy things ) clean tuna tins, ping pong balls, etc. etc.