Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit eats its baby

rabbit eats its baby

22 11:12:26

my question is that. it is my first time to breed a rabbit, it gave birth to 5 bunnies. but the first one died, because she ate it, is it normal! we immediately separate the babies to her because she's stepping onit, it was like that she didnt want to take care of it. we want to breed it again but we're afraid that it might happen again. poor little bunnies. i hope you answer my queation. thanks

Since this was her first time being bred, this is a normal thing. Not all will do that, but some new moms do. I reccomend rebreeding her, and nothing should happen to them. She is probaably just unsure of the babies. If it does happen agian, then you shouldn't breed her again.