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rabbits and home improvements

22 11:07:09

I fear I may have turned my 2-year old lop against me because I have relocated her to an upstairs bedroom while my kitchen area is being remodeled/gutted.  I have tried to make her space as cozy as possible with all her usual things, and she still has room to run (just not downstairs).  She has her family in and out of her room, including me, her mom, to pay attention to her.  Lately, though, she doesn't want to socialize with us.  We get "thumped" a lot more, and see her back rather than her front when we come around.  During the day while the work is being done, there is noise (hammering, sawing) and dust.  I've tried to place her as far away from all the commotion as I can because I know rabbits are sensitive to loud noises.  She's just not her responsive, loving self these days.  Is this just her reaction to all this disruption, and do you have any suggestions to help her be comfortable again?

Hi Carol,

very good question, thanks for caring about your bunny's feelings.

I think you are doing very good at trying to take into account your bunny girl's feelings about being relocated, based on what you have written.

Despite best efforts, she probably feels more isolated and notices the traffic pattern is less than normal.  The noise of construction probably is a minor inconvenience as you have placed her away from it (plus she is a lop, and lops just are not as freaked out by noise as non-lop rabbits).

She doesn't understand why she is upstairs.  She doesn't know what she has done to be placed away from the family, and lose her territory.  You can always talk to her and simply tell her why things are the way they are.  I know it sounds silly but I know some of my guys understand words I tell them.  AS you talk to her, pet her soothingly, talk to her calmly and with love.  Give her the why she is up there, let her know it is only temporary until the loud noise and work is over.  You can bring in a portable stereo (bunnyproof it/cord) in and make sure classical music is on for her.

I think one thing you can do is to make sure to spend extra time with her.  Up the TLC for awhile.  Make sure everyone in the family spends time with her.  If there are times of the day everyone was together in the kitchen, try to have some time in the upstairs room all together with her.  She may snub but eventually she will see the effort and want to enjoy all of you.  

But definitely talk to her about why she's up there, that it isn't because she is bad or punishment, that it is temporary, that she'll be back down soon, and that you guys love her.  Keep telling her that every day.  This, along with extra time/everyone regular up there will help her deal with being in the strange bedroom.

Let me know how it works out.  Lee