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runny stools

22 10:45:55

hi my pet rabbit is genaraly healthy eats well.every now and again his stools become as runny as water.he usually eats and drinks as however he has been quiet and laying around more than normal.and when i put a carrot in he has not touched it.i am getting worried and live far away from a vet.i would be greatful if you could help.

Dear Carly,

Please read this right away:

Runny stool is a sign of cecal dysbiosis:

and if it reaches the stage where the bunny is lethargic and not wanting to eat, then it's definitely time for an emergency trip to a good rabbit vet, even if it's a long drive.  The runny stool is often a sign that something else is wrong, but it is of primary concern, and getting his intestines back in order is of vital importance before anything else is done.

You can find your closest rabbit vet here:

Please bring this with you:

and read:

The intermittent appearance of the runny stools is consistent with cecal dysbiosis, since most rabbits will produce fairly normal looking fecal pellets along with the mushy/watery cecotropes like what you are seeing.

I hope you can get your bunny to a good vet as soon as possible.

Take care,