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sick and defensive

22 11:12:19

I bought a bunny a few months ago and just recently she's began to sneeze a lot. This started after I bought another bunny with the same sneezing problem. (He died a few weeks back.) We used to let her run free around the bedroom for an hour or two. Now, she's suddenly gotten very defensive with anyone who tries to pet her. She'll attack whoever's hand it is. She's never done this before. Any ideas as to what I should do and think?

She needs to get into a rabbit vet to get a culture done. It sounds like the original rabbit passed on its disease to this one. Sneezing is a very serious thing in rabbits. It can be caused by several different thing, including some deadly bacteria.

She needs to have a culture done to see what type of bacteria it is, so that the vet will know what best to use to help cure her. Sometimes sneezing problems will never be cured (because of the type of bacteria), and the disease can only be managed.

If she is not feeling well, she could become aggressive out of fear of being hurt (since she is already not feeling well). It is also possible that she is getting hormonal from maturing (you didn't mention how old she is, but around 4-8 months is usually when females mature and can start getting aggressive due to hormones).