Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is my rabbit sick??

Is my rabbit sick??

22 10:38:10

My 1 year old rabbit is not eating his food or hays for the past few days.  He seems to loose interest in everything.  I tried to feed him fresh veggie. and fruits and he is still not eating.  Water is the only thing that he will drink right now.  He is getting very skinny.  What should I do?  Is he sick or dying?  Please advice.  Thank you.

Dear Maxine,

Please read this immediately:

and this:

You must get your bunny to a rabbit-experienced vet ASAP.  Not eating for even *one* day should be considered an emergency, and not eating for several days should be considered extremely serious, and potentially life-threatening.

Please get him to a good vet immediately.  You can find one here:

I hope he'll be okay, but waste no time in getting him veterinary care NOW.
