Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bad rex rabbit

bad rex rabbit

22 11:26:37

I recently adopted a rex rabbit that was abandoned at my work (Petsmart).  He is probably between 3-6 months old.  When we first got him he was so sweet but as the days went on he has become more and more wild.  He recently started spraying, (at least that is what i think that smell is) and now when we let him out he starts to urinate in various places throughout the room.  I think this is marking because he is very well litter box trained and he just started this.  We take him out every day and he has a very large cage when he isn't out.  We give him all sorts of fresh veggies (carrots, kale, etc.) and chew sticks and toys so i dont know what to do?  I was reading that if you get a rabbit fixed that their behavior greatly improves and they stop marking on everything and spraying, is this true?  I basically was curiouse if it is a good idea to get him fixed and if it would even help his bad behavior, i don't know what to do to get my sweet rabbit back.  Can you please tell me what all the pro's and con's are?  Thank you so much!

Dear Becky,

Yes, your rabbit has entered his "terrible teens," and is acting out his newfound sexual maturity in the usual ways.  Neutering should resolve these behaviors, but it should be done soon, before the behaviors become learned and ingrained.

You can read more about spay/neuter here:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
