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is my rabbit getting old?

22 10:45:23

Hi!  I have a 7 year old home raised female rabbit.  She's always been a really healthy bunny but lately she's been acting really funny.  She seems to have a really hard time moving around.  As if she was almost draging the bottom of her body around.  It's been two days that she won't eat and I'm really worried for her.  I have a feeling that it might be diarrhea but I'm not quite sure.  Thank you so much for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

There are two issues here, that require a trip to the vet right away.  First, your rabbit is having some difficulty moving.  The cause needs to be diagnosed right away.  Second, if your rabbit hasn't eaten anything at all in two days, this is very serious and can cause death if not resolved.  You need to get your rabbit to a rabbit experienced vet as soon as possible.

As for what the cause could be.  It's really difficult to know without more info.

If the difficulty in moving came first, this could cause the rabbit not to eat due to pain or physical stress.  

Or if the not eating came first, GI troubles can cause a lot of discomfort in rabbits. However I'm not familiar with GI troubles causing a large difficulty in moving around.  

Rabbits don't often have true diarrhea.  But soft stools or cecotropes could be a side effect of other issues.  In either case, you would see quite a messy bottom on her.  And if she's having difficulty moving, she may not be able to clean herself down there.

The first course of action is to get her to a vet.

If you can't do that right away, there are some things you can do to help her.
1.  Getting her to eat.  If she won't take any food at all, you'll need to force feed her.  It does work better if you have a large syringe handy, but there are some recipes that you can try spoon feeding or making into balls.  If you have Oxbow Critical care handy, or can quickly get some from a vet. This would be the best syringe feed you can make.  But these sites give some other recipes if you don't have Critical Care around:

The other thing is to very carefully clean her bottom if it is soiled.  This is tricky if you don't know the cause of her health problems.  You may risk causing further damage.  This site has some instructions for bathing rabbits:

I hope this helps until you can get her seen by a vet