Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny humps me

My bunny humps me

22 9:47:48

Hey I just got my bunny Thumper couple days ago. Before i picked him up i got him neutered because my sister has a female bunny but shes spaded. Well now its been the fourth day and hes become a very outgoing bunny. He follows me everywhere and when i stand still he will circle me. He also knows his name now so when i call him he will come running. But when i sit on the floor to try to play with him, he will hump my arm and i don't know why. Is there something i can do?

Dear Abigail,

If he is only recently neutered, then his hormones are still active, and will be for a few weeks.  His hormonal behavior will gradually diminish, and he should stop the behaviors you describe.

If not, then you need to get him to a rabbit-savvy vet:

for a complete wellness check, including examination for adrenal problems, or a possible cryptorchid (undescended testicle) that was not removed when he was neutered.

I hope this helps.
