Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > back legs not working: no help from vet

back legs not working: no help from vet

22 10:07:13

I am writing concerning our pet dwarf rabbit. He can't walk on his  back legs. He just drags them behind him. No vet available to see him. Is he suffering? What medication would help him? Please answer quick. Thank You.

Dear Linda,

Please read this article, and *especially* the link to the article by Dr. Susan Brown:

There are many possible causes of hind limb paresis, and the appropriate treatment will depend on the cause.  So read the article, and then find a good rabbit vet here:

even if you have to drive a couple of hours.  Because there is no way you can treat this on your own.  Only an experienced vet who is rabbit-savvy will be able to help you, unless one of the local vets will be amenable to reading Dr. Susan Brown's article (linked to the article above) and try to work with you on treatment.

I hope this helps.
