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Help with my 4 month doe!

22 9:45:35

Hello! I am hoping I can get some type of help regarding my 4 month old Holland lop. I feel like I have literally combed the internet for answers to what is going on with my bun. My doe (which is an inside only rabbit with a good diet and a very clean cage) just turned 4 months and with in the past 3 weeks has started to produce this very, very musky smell. She appears to be leaking a clear fluid (which is what I think stinks so bad). Her vent area is not red or swollen (because the first thing I was thinking of was some type of infection) and is a health pink in color.I am wondering if this is part of her bunny puberty and I just have to manage until we get her spayed in two months or is this something that is not normal of young female rabbits? Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Dear Emily,

If she is reaching sexual maturity, then you might be smelling her scent musk.  You don't say where the clear fluid is coming from, but it could be vaginal secretions because she is in a constant state of receptivity.

She's a little young to be spayed, still.  I would wait another three months.  

If the smell is not just musky, but smells like infection, then she could have a urinary tract infection or a problem with her reproductive organs.  You should get her to a good rabbit vet for examination, being sure to tell the vet the problem.  The vet can then determine whether this is normal, or something that needs treatment.  (Since I can't see/smell her in person, I can't tell you for sure.)

You can find a rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
