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Is This Normal?

22 9:45:09


I have a minature rex rabbit. This is my first time owning a rex rabbit. I have only ever owned lops and dutch rabbits so a rex is new to me. Is it normal for a minature rex to eat net to nothing during the day but eat like crazy during the night? How long do they live? Also how high are they suppose to be able to jump? Cause my rabbit Phoebe has managed to jump over a three foot wall in a single running jump. Other then that she is a perfectly healthy bunny that has never ending energy, an obsession with chewing on socks and a strange habit of sitting in the sun on warm days.
Is this behaviour normal?

thank you for your help,

Erin,  It's perfectly normal for a rabbit to only eat at certain times of the day especially at night.  It comes from instinct, rabbits in the wild often hide during the day to stay out of sight from predators but come out and forage at night under the cover of darkness.  As long as she's eating, it doesn't really matter when she does it.  They also have very powerful hind legs and can easily jump very high especially with a running start.  Some rabbits have more energy than others (just like with people) so some are content to lounge around and only hop a little, others like your bunny enjoy showing off their jumping skills and must be watched a little more carefully lol!  Her obsession with chewing is normal too, give her small unpainted/untreated blocks of wood to chew on to save your socks from getting holes:)  Can't blame her for enjoying a spot of sunlight on a warm day either, it probably feels wonderful on those tired jumping muscles of hers.  Sounds like you have a healthy happy bunny, enjoy her:)