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Carrots and Pesticides

22 9:48:54

I have two 4-5 lb female rabbits. They are just over a year old. They are very healthy, have unlimited Timothy's Hay and get a small amount of pellets everyday.  At dinner they also get a serving of vegetables. I have heard a  lot of conflicting information about whether or not carrots are safe for them or not.  They have been eating 3-4 baby carrots off and on for the past six months. (They have been slowly introduced to several different veggies, and I rotate them every week so they don't get bored). The baby carrots are 2-3 inches long. Is this too much for them?

I am also having a roach problem at my apartment. The complex would like to spray the kitchen and bathroom (the bunnies have no interest in these rooms, but the kitchen is connected to the living room) and then they want to spray around the edges of the apartment.  I was going to move the bunnies to my parents place for that day. The complex said that the pesticide is safe for animals after it dries, and it dries in less than an hour. Should I still be worried?


carrots: depends if they are overweight or not.  If they run a lot and are lean (they should have narrower shoulders and wider hips), it might be okay.  If they are a little fat then I'd cut back to 1 a day.  Personally I feed my adult guys 1 or less the equivalent of 1 baby carrot a day.

Spray: sounds like they may just move the roaches into areas they haven't been in yet if they aren't spraying the whole apartment.  I'd probably move them from the apartment that day.  IF they decide to spray more than just those two rooms, then they are not there during that.  I'd also ask exactly what spray it is and talk to your vet about it.