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4 week old bunnys urine color

22 11:31:05

I just purchased a Holland Lop at a bunny farm. After i brought it home in it's small cage i purchased, i noticed that the urine looked like a stained shade of red. Should i be concerned? It's also using the bathroom more than our other new bunny, which is a dwarf. Should i contact the person i bought it from?

Ginger Moates

Dear Ginger,

A bunny's urine can range in color from pale yellow to dark red or brown, depending on many factors (diet, stress, state of bunny's hydration, etc.).  Unless an unusual urine color is accompanied by other signs of illness, it's not a major concern.

However, a four week old bunny is far too young to be weaned, though many breeders and pet stores will sell them that young because they are "cute" at that age.  Be very, very vigilant for *any* sign of runny stool, please read this immediately:

The main cause of death in rabbits weaned too young is cecal dysbiosis and resulting enteritis, which can kill a baby within 24 hours.  I hope that by reading this, you can avoid any problems with your baby.  At any sign of illness, you should consider it an emergency, and find a good rabbit vet with the list linked here:

I hope this helps get you started.  Please also have a look at the information here:

on proper rabbit care, and the best site of all:

for all the information you need to know about keeping your new pal happy, healthy and alive for a long, long time!

Hope that helps!
