Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit has started screaming when she is picked up

Rabbit has started screaming when she is picked up

22 9:41:37

You have helped and encouraged me so much in the past that I am asking for your help again.

First I would like to provide some background information for you.  I have 3 rabbits, 2 females and 1 male, all are neutered but none of them are bonded.  The two females are young rescue bunnies which I adopted last spring.  They both came with fears and troubles which I suppose must be related to their past.  I thought I was making great progress in gaining their trust until about a month ago when one of them started to scream when I tried to pick her up. I can't remember many things that have shocked me more than that cry. After I put her down she didn't seem to be very upset at all. Since then I am so afraid of upsetting her again that I am actually nervous and I know she is aware of that.

Yesterday I took the 2 girls to the Vet. Clinic to have their nails trimmed and she started screaming when they tried to take her out of her cage.  The staff are very good with rabbits and managed to calm her and trim her nails.  She came home and went into her room to eat as if nothing had happened.  

This rabbit has to be handled because her front teeth are not straight and she needs to visit the Vet regularly.  I know it is very hard on her to get so upset but it is also extremely upsetting for the other rabbits.

Can you suggest anything I could do to help with this fear of being handled.  She likes to be brushed and loves nose rubs. She is very playful and enjoys it when I play with her.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Dear Jeanette

Rabbits scream only when they are extremely frightened and upset.  Your bunny is likely associating being handled with unpleasant things like nail trims and vet visits.  No easy way to teach her that this isn't always the case.  

It's also possible that since you did put her down when she started screaming, she's learned a clever way to get you to put her down when she doesn't want to be held.  :)  Rabbits are very smart.

If you think it's anxiety, though, ask the vet about getting a small dose of Ativan or other mild sedative to give her about an hour before she has to get in the car.  That should keep her from screaming and feeling threatened.  After a few times, she might even learn that the screaming isn't necessary.

In the meantime, you could try picking her up and NOT putting her down if she screams.  Instead, give her gentle cuddles and loves and stroke her until she stops, and THEN put her down.  She should associate NOT screaming with being released after a while.  

I hope this helps.
