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baseboards that Bo wont eat?

22 10:18:10

QUESTION: My rabbit Bo has completely demolished our baseboard at our apartment. We're getting ready to move into my parents basement that we're just finishing up. We haven't gotten any baseboards for the room yet and want to make sure we get a kind that Bo won't want to chew but also won't hurt him. Does anything exist? We noticed that he won't chew on our coffee table, we think it's because it's stained wood with a high gloss. Are there any tricks to do so he won't chew on the baseboards or any wood we can get that he won't chew it?  Thanks!

ANSWER: Rabbits can be real particular on what they decide to chew on.

With mine, I've pretty much given up.  But some people put another board on top of the baseboard.  It's probably not attractive, but it will protect the baseboard.

Other people have mentioned plexiglass as a covering for the baseboard.  

An attractive solution that someone devised to hide cords would also protect the baseboards.  You can see what that looks like here:

And here are some more ideas from other rabbits owners.

Hopefully some of those ideas will work for you, or give you an idea for something to try.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the links, there are some ideas I will definitely try. I just thought of another question though. Sometimes my rabbit gets diarrhea. I've read a lot about what to feed him and I keep him on a healthy diet, but I can't figure out why he gets it. I make sure he always has a constant supply of timothy hay, and we give him his measurement of pellets. About every other day i give him either an organic carrot or homegrown romaine lettuce, and he doesn't get many snacks. What would cause his diarrhea? Also, when I adopted him from his previous foster mom she said to never give him alfalfa, but I don't remember why. She he be eating that or is it bad for him like the lady before said? I think I read once that there isn't anything in alfalfa to help them digest their food like there is in hay. Is that true? Thanks again for all your help!

The rabbit digestive system is finely tuned and very particular on what it will tolerate.  If there is nothing physically wrong with him, the cause of soft stools is often diet.

The timothy hay is great, one of the best hays you can feed him.  Hopefully the pellets he get are over 18% in fiber and are just pellets, no seeds, fruits or other additions to the mix.  Those types of things are bad for rabbits and cause digestive problems.

You don't say how much carrot he gets.  If its about the size of a baby carrot, that's ok.  But if it's a whole carrot, that probably is too much sugar and starch for his system.  As for the romaine, that's fine.  But for the best nutritional value, a mix of vegetables is really best.  

So right now, I'd try working with his diet and see if that changes his poop consistency.  If it doesn't, then a trip to a rabbit vet should be in order to rule out any health issues that may cause poopy butt.

From what you've told me, the vegetables and maybe pellets are the areas that may need to be adjusted.

These sites give good info on diet.  One of these has a great food pyramid visual aid.
This is site I use as the foundation for the diet in my rabbits:

These sites provide more info on the digestive system and how diet and health can affect your rabbit:

Also, the issues with alfalfa is that it isn't as high in fiber, is higher in calcium, protein, and calories.  Fiber is exceedingly important in the diet of rabbits.  And the negatives of alfalfa can cause health problems in adult rabbits.

Hope this helps