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5 day old mini lops

22 11:11:12

my rabbit gave birth 5 days ago and all 4 of the babies are doing well. the only problem was that after 3 days, i didn't think they were being fed as they were wrinkly, less energetic and crying. so i held the mum on her back and helped the babies to drink as i think she is producing milk. she was struggling a lot even though i tried to calm her down. the bellies didn't look full straight away, but when i came back several hours later, they looked rounded and full. then the same thing happened today and i had to feed them again, and again, when i came back they looked full. i was wondering if she might be feeding them herself aswell in between, but if this is the case, then why do they cry and look shrivelled up first thing in the morning? and also, if she isn't feeding them herself, can i do something to encourage her so that she will, otherwise shall i do this everyday? she is a good mother as she has made a nest and regularly licks them. thanks.

Hi Melody,
 One of the worst things someone can do is interfere with the mother and the babies feedings..Don't mean to sound cold,but this is one sure way of turning the mother off her young.  Don't worry,the mother only feeds her kits once a day,this is very normal,although it my seem that she's not feeding them,she definitely is.  Rabbits are extremely touchy,and don't like to be interacted with too much when there are babies in the nest.  I always touch the litter on the hutch floor before I need to do anything near or around the babies,this way the mother won't reject them because they'll smell like her.  Hope this helps you out...and remember,they're definitely eating!  :)
 all the best,Elizabeth