Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny trembling

bunny trembling

22 10:41:03

Hi. I was hoping you could tell me if it is normal for a bunny to sort of tremble a little when shes spread out relaxing. It only seems to be her head and it's not the usual head shake of annoyance. I wasn;t sure if it might be a movement caused by her wiggling nose or breathing. Anyway, thanks in advance. :)


Dear Aubrey,

If the bunny is stretched out while she's vibrating, it sounds as if you're seeing the movement of her breathing.  It will be especially fast if (1) she's young and (2) she's just been running around and playing.  She'll also breathe more rapidly if it's hot, since she'll pant to try and cool herself.  If this is the case, she needs to be in a cooler spot, since rabbits are not very good at thermoregulation in the heat.  

Hope that helps.
