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My rabbits are not getting along

22 9:42:48


I have two male rabbits, one I've had for 6 months and the other I've had for about 1 month and a half. They seemed to be making progress in bonding, but the last time I let them out together, the one I've had longer growled and attacked the other one and was acting really crazy for the rest of the night trying to get the other one even when they were in separate cages. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to let them out together again but I don't want to have to give up either of them either. Please help :(

ANSWER: Dear Kali

Are they neutered?  If not, then it will likely be impossible to bond them.  So that's step 1.

Next please see the useful video on bonding here:

It's much harder to bond two males than fixed bunnies of opposite sex, but not always impossible.  If they just can't get along, though, you might have to give up.  But then let each boy choose a spayed female mate from the rescues at your local rabbit rescue, and everyone will be happy.

For all the best in rabbit care, see:

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is neutering them a guaranteed solution to the problem or is there still a chance that I neuter them and they still won't get along?

Dear Kali,

It's not a 100% guarantee, especially if they are the same sex.  But it will help.  You will also have to do some bonding with them.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes not.  But if they are already fighting, you'll have your work cut out for you.

Watch the bonding video for help, and check out Google for more tips and tricks:

Good luck,
