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housing two males together

22 10:36:18

This past August i bought a mini lop and a mini rex, both babies. I was assured that they both were females but have just discovered that they are both males. Due to the mini lop constantly trying to mount the mini rex, who obviously dislikes it, I enlarged their cage, put in another "bedroom" and put a barrier in the middle of the cage. I also have an outdoor play cage. Can I still safely put them together in the outdoor cage (a cat carrier is in the middle for security)? The mini lop chases the mini rex, and is never quick enough to catch him, and it offers great exercise. I am worried that the mini rex may turn and a fight may happen. I really would like to be able to put them in the outside cage together for fun and exercise. Can this safely be done?

Dear Jodi,

As the rabbits get older, it's more likely that the mini-Rex will finally find himself and turn and fight.  This could be disastrous, as rabbits fight ferociously and can inflict truly dangerous wounds on each other.  The most important thing you can do for their health and safety is to have them both neutered immediately:

and then carefully bond them before you force them to share the same space:

You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Until they are neutered and you have carefully bonded them, I would not put them together.  It's just playing with fire.

I hope this helps.
