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bunny behaviour

22 9:42:49

We have a 3 month old female bunny that takes great pleasure in pooping everywhere. She will pee in the litter tray,odd accident allowed for. Her cage is very rarely wet in fact. How can we get her to use the out of cage tray to poop in. We've tried putting her in the tray, putting her back in her cage and simply telling her off,all failed. What do we do?
Also she constantly wants to wash and 'groom' my husband but when she comes to me she washes me a bit then poops on me every time,she has never pooped on him once. Is there a reason for the different treatment.Thanks.

To possibly potty train her put a rabbit litter box out for her and put her own poo in it.
white vinegar is a natural repellent so the bunny won't pee or poo in that spot with white vinegar .
her pooping on you usually mean also could mean she feels the need to mark her territory on you.

best bunny wishes!