Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New dutch bunny owner

New dutch bunny owner

22 10:01:05

Hi my name is Salvatore and i have a few questions that i really need answered. ok im going to give u a lil back story about him so you can understand my questions. Jasper (the bunny) is a 4 month old dutch rabbit. i have had him for 2 days. the first day he stayed in shipping box and on my bed and was eating and drinking fine. On day 2 we bought him the cage a water bottle and a new bowl.

My first question is- he will not leave the corner of the cage unless we take him out what can we do to fix this problem?

My second question is he no longer will eat and drink sense we put him in this cage is it cause he doesn't know how to use the bottle or he just got use to the first set of bowls we gave him?

My final question is what are the best fruit and veggies to give him for a diet? cause so far we gave him baby carrots and we tried a pear both gave him diarrhea

thanks so much for help
p.s. sorry for this being so long

Hi Salvatore,

If your bunny is staying hunched in a corner and he is not eating and drinking he is not feeling well and this can be very serious.

My first suggestion is to take him to a rabbit savvy vet.  If you do not have one you can try this site:

If he has a water bottle and he is not using it try a bowl.  Rabbits that aren't drinking wont eat.  If he drinks a lot right away you know this could have been the problem.  

As for veggies you need to start them a little at a time.  The link below will give you a list of rabbit safe veggies:

Hope your bunny feels better soon.
