Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Invite to play or invite to fight?

Invite to play or invite to fight?

22 10:53:14

I've seen this in 2 different sets of male rabbits.  One male would come close to the other and thump repealed till the other chases it.  Another set which is only 6 months old did the same in a pen.  One would thump and the other chases him around the pen.  Both observations occurred while the male being taunted was resting with a couple of females.

Dear Tom,

Sounds as if the rival male was challenging the other male to a chase to get him away from the females!  Since the rival male ran away instead of fighting, it was probably more of a distraction than an overt invitation to fight.  Rabbits will avoid fighting if they can, and find other ways to outwit each other.

It's good that the bunnies have a big enough space to get away from each other and run.  If they didn't, there would be fur flying and bloodshed.  Please read:

for everyone's health and sanity.

Good luck!
