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death in our rabbit

22 10:53:10

We had a 8 month old rabbit and unfortunately we just found him dead.
He was on his side with one eye shut with a white residue on it and i turned him over and the other one was white but all blood shot and red veins plus it was bulging.
I think he had a blood vessel burst.
Do you have any idea what he died of?
I also lost my other rabbit aon saturday due to her giving her 2 bunnies all her goodness.  

I very sorry to hear about your bunnies.  You and your bunnies have had a hard time of it.

Well, problems with teeth can create an abscess that can cause infection behind the eye and bulging.  But your bunny seemed too young for that type of thing.  Pasteurella can cause eye bulging and if an abscess bursts, death.  But often a pasteurella infection is noticed before death by discharge from the noise like your bunny has a cold.  

But I think you are correct.  

Everything that you saw indicates, that a hemorrhage did kill your bunny. If you are comfortable with the idea of a necropsy, your vet could determine for sure.

It's very hard to suddenly lose a rabbit.

I hope your other bunnies are doing ok.