Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > FOOD VEGETABLES


22 10:54:50

another expert said that rabbits CANT have iceberg lettuce. Is that true? and if it is...WHY? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

what lettuce can they have?

Hi Morgan

The other expert was correct.  Iceberg lettuce will dehydrate them and can cause severe and fatal diarrhea.  I suppose if one little piece got put in with the other veggies it probably wouldn't kill them but its not recommended.  There is absolutely no nutritional value in iceberg lettuce and it isn't worth risking a fatal diarrhea reaction.

If you want to feed your rabbit lettuce use romaine lettuce.  I am attaching a site that lists some of the rabbit safe foods.  It should help you give your bunny a wide variety of veggies to chose from.  Just give them cautiously and one at a time so if it does end up with diarrhea or gas (bloat) you will know which veggies to avoid.

Good luck and if you have any more questions please let me know
