Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > will a trio of females(sisters)live...

will a trio of females(sisters)live...

22 11:36:07

will a trio of females(sisters)live together happily for there lives?

How big of a cage would be needed for three dwarf rabbits?

How much does each rabbit need daily?

How long should they be let out of cage daily?

How long do they live?

1. Only if they are all spayed as soon as they become sexually mature (for dwarfs, about 5 months). If they start to fight, before or after spaying, they would need to be re-introduced carefully and housed separately during the process to avoid injury from fighting.

2. Depends on how much time out they get. If they get a few hours a day out, you could get by with a 2x3 foot cage. If they don't get out every day, they need at least a 2x4 cage, preferably with a shelf for added exercise and enjoyment.

3. I assume you mean food? See the diet FAQ at

4. Some people let rabbits roam free, and they are happiest that way. The minumum suggested is 2 hours a day (many people let them out morning and evening). More is better.

5. Average lifespan of a domestic rabbit kept indoors with good diet, appropriate vet checkups and care is about 8 years. Many live longer; right now I have one 11-year-old and two who are at least 9 or 10. The oldest rabbit owned by anyone I know personally lived to be 15.
