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my bunny rabbit.

22 10:06:19

hello Dana, how are you?? i just had a couple questions about my bunny, Thumper. i noticed a few days ago that he wasn't really drinking. he normally drinks a 16oz. bottle of water a day and he barely touches it now. eating doesn't seem to be much of a problem for him. so i took Thumper to the vet yesterday. he had about 103 fever and was very jumpy, but i think he was just nervous. they wanted to keep him over night and do blood work but they said that i had an option to bring him home with some meds and if he didn't get better or if the symptoms got worst within 2 days to bring him back. they sent me home with an anti-inflammatory, reglan, and bactrim. they gave him fluids when he was there. he's been pretty okay with taking them from a syringe. i was just wondering if you had any other ideas as to why he is not drinking any fluids tho. i'm really worried about him. i mean, he's acting pretty normal to me. i just don't kno why he would not be drinking. my mom thinks it has something to do with us changing his cage, but he was just fine the first 2 weeks that we did so i don't think that's what it is. i appreciate all of your help, thank you so much! (:

Dear Olivia,

It's actually more worrisome when a rabbit drinks excessively than when he doesn't seem to drink enough.  With the cooler weather, he might be getting enough from his fresh vegetables.

Be sure to provide a heavy ceramic crock of clean water every day so he has constant access to it.  But if his appetite is good and he's acting normal in every other way, this is probably not a problem.

To find out if he's sick, please see:

As you see, 103F is in the normal temperature range, though on the high end.  This is likely due to the stress of car ride and vet visit.  Bloodwork might reveal any cryptic problems, but if he's not acting sick, then I would wait and observe him.  (P.S. - He should NOT have to stay overnight for bloodwork!  Good grief!  Find a vet who isn't so keen on keeping him at )

Hope this helps.
