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Pete, my daughters rabbit....

22 11:09:37

Pete, is my daughters rabbit, who is 7 1/2 months old Mini Rex.  He recently started lunging at me(mom) when I open the cage to let them (Pete,& Pepper, the other rabbit)out. He has broken the skin on my hands and has caused some swelling.  I don't know why or what to do with him.  He doesn't do this to my daughter or my son.  Pete will bite my sons rabbit(Pepper)and is hissing when he dose this.  What should I do?  My children are suppose to show these rabbits in 4-H this summer.  HELP!!!  He has only been doing this for the past couple of months. Since it has gotten cold.  We brought them inside in the basement where it is warmer for them.  Any suggestions on what to do?

Thank You Very Much,
Patricia Savage

Since he is going to be shown, neutering is not an option. That would most likely calm him down, but rabbits cannot usually be shown if they are neutered. You might want to look into the rules for your 4-H show about that to make sure, but most likely it will not be allowed.

The important thing to do is show him you are not scared of him, or it will set it in deeper. If you can get a feed scoop, you can use it to put over him when you open the cage. This will protect you from a bite. Then you can place your hand over him, and hold him down for a minute or two to show dominance. This may help. If he nips at you, you can also tap him soundly (not hard enough to really hurt, but enough to get his attention) on the nose. Rabbits dislike this, and it can be useful in helping to break bad habits.