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House Rabbit Sickness

22 11:07:26

 I have a Rex rabbit and I don't know what is wrong. About 2 weeks ago he got real skinny. Since then I have been feeding him 3-4 times a day if not a little more. I was only feeding him once daily. Then today I had to be out of the house all day so I gave him some extra food this morning so he would have enough. So I came home tonight and he isn't wanting to get up and move. He just wants to lay there and flop around and just acts like her is having spasms. This is my first rabbit at all so I don't know what to do. I just don't think he will live through the night so I would like to know for maybe future reference. Thank you for your time and your knowledge.

Hi Jesse,

I have no idea what you're feeding him, it probably is the reason.  sounds like his gut is blocked or in stasis.  You need to get to an emergency vet immediately, like as soon as you read this, wrap him in a blanket and call the emergency vet and tell them you're coming in with a rabbit with gi stasis and then get there as fast as you can.  You are correct this is life threatening, you must get him to a vet as soon as physically possible.

Please take action as soon as you read this.  Don't just write him off.
