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Flea, tick, and heart worm prevention

22 9:50:40

QUESTION: I would like to know some good brands of flea, tick, and heart worm prevention medication for my rabbit, because he loves to play outside in the grass and it has been raining a lot lately and I want to prevent him from getting them so the fleas won't spread throughout my house


as much as he loves being outside I'd recommend as he is a house rabbit, keeping him indoors and not exposing him to these things in the first place.  generally it is a benefit of having him indoors, that he isn't going to have the potential medical problems from fleas and ticks and parasites and mites and being exposed to lawns and areas that wild animals have left droppings all over.

Also it will prevent you from having to put a nasty chemical on him to prevent fleas and ticks.

Safe treatments to prevent and kill fleas on rabbits include Advantage (imidocloprid), Program (lufenuron) and Revolution (selamectin). The latter is preferred, as it is also effective against various types of mites that cause symptoms of mange, ear canker, and "dandruff" (which is often caused by fur mites in the genus Cheyletiella).

You need to contact your regular good rabbit vet for the proper doses for your rabbit.  Do not try to give any of this to your rabbit without knowing the right doses, because you could make him sick or kill him.

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QUESTION: I also have another question I forgot to mention. I found this what looks like a slobber spot underneath my bunnies chin. Do you know what it could be from?


well, I haven't seen him and I am not a vet, but my first guess is that he's got some kind of mouth problem.  Tooth, or gum sore, etc.  I would seriously get him in to your regular good rabbit vet.  You don't want to mess around or just hope problems go away - rabbit medical issues do not just go away. He needs to be eating and drinking continually so this is a big deal.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet (not all are) go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well we did take him to the vet not to long ago because he wasn't eating and wouldn't go to the bathroom for about 4 days, so my mom took him while I was at school because that was the soonest we could get in. First thing she did was check his mouth because my mom had told her about it. He's had like dried up spit fur underneath his mouth/chin, since we brought him home and his mouth is perfectly fine, and his teeth are in good shape, so shes thinking since hes the cleanest bunny she's ever seen that maybe he drools from cleaning himself. So would it be natural?


generally, no.  Clean bunnies do not normally have wet/drooly mouths.  It is not normal for drooly mouths on rabbits, it is a typical sign there is some kind of issue going on inside the mouth.  Now if he had just finished drinking water from his bowl or bottle he may have some water there if he hasn't cleaned his face yet.