Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is my rabbit in shock?? Please help!

Is my rabbit in shock?? Please help!

22 9:50:40

Last night something tried to get into our rabbit hutch.  It is right outside my window so I heard him screech.
I ran outside and found him in the grass. He was scared but not injured.  After comforting him a covering the hutch he seemed fine.  Today I noticed he was very quite.  Not his usual self. He has eaten and drank water.  I held him most of the day.  He seems okay besides being very reserved and quite.  Any suggestions?  I am a M.D. myself and I am not convinced he is in shock. Thanks!

Dear Cindy,

If he were in shock, he would probably be showing worse signs.  But he may be showing something akin to post-traumatic stress.  Please be sure to keep a close eye on him and make sure eating and pooping remain normal.  If he seems out of sorts, please see:

and if he stops eating or pooping, please see:

If you suspect a cat might have been the culprit, note that even a *small* scratch or bite from a cat can kill within 24 hours if left untreated.  Pasteurella and Bartonella bacteria are just seething on cat teeth and claws, and a small inoculation--especially in a stressed (read:  immunocompromised) bunny--can be deadly.  A fluorquinolone antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) or injectable dual-acting Penicillin-G Procaine/Benzathine (do NOT use any other type of penicillin, as it can be deadly to rabbits) should both be effective against most of the potential pathogens a cat might deliver.  You can find a rabbit vet here:

who will know the best course of action.

I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way that it's not safe to leave a bunny outdoors at night, especially in a hutch.  I'm glad your bunny survived the ordeal, but now would be a good time to make him into a house rabbit.  You can find good information on how to make that transition here:

I hope your bunny will recover uneventfully and be safe inside with you from now on.

Take care,
