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Male and Female dwarf rabbits

22 11:14:16



Followup To

Question -
k this is the follow up for the question I asked you..I asked you if they are two males can they still mount or whatever and then you said they sometimes switch position well what if they dont switch does it mean its a guy or girl?.....and how old does a dwarf rabbit have to be to have babbies does it matter?...and can you send me a picture or a website to see how a dwarf rabbit(girl and boy) looks like please thanks

Answer -
Hi Jessica,

rabbits, regardless of what sex they are, can and will mount another.  When they are each a different sex, it is mating and most likely baby rabbits will be the result.  If they are two males, or two females, it is not a sexual thing, but rather one rabbit (the one doing the mounting) exerting dominance over the other rabbit.  Anytime you have two or more rabbits together, one will always be dominant.  It may not always be the same one, as this can change.

Most likely the babies will look like their parents, or blended versions of their parent rabbits.  So if they are different colors, yes, you will probably get several different patterns and colors.


Hi Jessica,

well, generally the one that is dominant will probably be the dominant one until some kind of event (ie fight) where the roles reverse.  Without such an event, it is likely that the one that is dominant may remain as the dominant rabbit for a long time.  Basically how this happens is over a period of time, the submissive rabbit gets enough courage or annoyed enough to fight back against the dominant rabbit and if he wins, he's dominant, else the other rabbit remains dominant.

Rabbits generally are not able to have offspring until 3 1/2 to 4 months of age.  The boys generally mature by 3 1/2 to 4 months, and the girls generally 4-5 months.

I would suggest that if you do not want baby rabbits, until you can determine the sex your rabbits, as a precaution, I would separate them.  It is the only way to prevent this from occurring if you are not sure what sex they are.

As far as determining what gender your rabbits are, here is a great page to visit:
