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My bunny Ninja.

22 9:49:24

     My bunny ninja is still only like 3 or 4 months old and looks like a baby. I have noticed that he hasn't been drinking at all the past few days. He is eating but it seems like he is hiding much more. And it seems like he is'nt as active. Normally as soon as I would open the cage door he'd come running out. But now I have to get a piece of lettuce or something and he still just stands there. We call him Ninja because of the way he acts. he will usually flip and do all of that crazy stuff now it seems like he is lazy or always tired and now when I went to feed him I saw the rim of his eyes were red. There was no discharge and I don't think his nose was runny. Do I need to take him to the vet???

Hi Alexa,

Any change in a rabbits behavior indicates the need to see a vet.  In your case I would be seeing a vet immediately.  If a rabbit stops eating or drinking and is hiding this can be the part of a GI shutdown.  This is a life threatening emergency that requires immediate care.

Good luck
