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Green poop, weight and fur loss

22 10:41:15

I have a 1 year old mini rex rabbit named, Princess. For the past week or so now she has been eating less and less. She has hardly been touching her water if at all. Thus, she does not pee much either. She was a lil over weight before and now I think she's getting a lil under weight...all in about a week or two's time....her poop is a light green and she's losing fur on the lower portion of her belly.

*Recent Changes for Princess:
-We've recently changed one of her foods. (We mix two kinds...a plain pellet one and one that has corn and stuff in it. 2:1) (Bad food?)
-I had surgery 2 weeks ago so my husband has been taking care of most of her stuff instead of me. (Up-set that her routine has changed?)
-Due to the surgery she hasn't been out as much as she deserves. (Depressed and not interested in eating?)
-She started drinking from the cats water dish and licking the the cats food dishes a few weeks ago. (disease from them?)

We have an appointment to see the vet tomorrow morning, but I wanted to know what more than one person thought the problem(s) could be.

Dear Tonya,

It sounds as if your bunny is suffering from an imbalance of her intestinal flora, possibly induced by stress.  But it's a good idea to have an experienced rabbit vet check her.  Please see:

Green stools can also indicate liver problems, and this needs to be checked via bloodwork.

Never feed corn to a rabbit, as it can cause serious intestinal problems.  For an overview of correct rabbit diet, please see:

and also read:

I would also try to keep the cat's dishes away from her, as they carry bacteria that are potentially harmful to a rabbit.

I hope she will be fine soon.